SHOP Website Template
Premade Websites for Therapists and Wellness Coaches
The Divergent 7.1 Squarespace Template is a funky and fun, yet also professional website template for therapists in private practice and spiritual and wellness coaches. The layout is structured to easily add content about your practice in an organized and approachable way to attract your ideal client.
From ‘IDK’ to ‘I GOT THIS’…
We’re with you every step of the way. Get a customizable website template that’s easy to use and TOTALLY FUN. No need to hire a website designer, beg your partner to work on your site, or put this off any longer! We created a customizable, professionally designed website for wellness coaches
We did all the design, so you don’t have to!
What You Get
When you purchase a template from Premade, it also comes with a 6-month free trial to Squarespace. Most trials are only 2 weeks! That’s over $100 savings.
Within 24 hours of purchase, you’ll receive an email link from us inviting you to accept your new template in your Squarespace account. Then, this baby is all yours!
Don’t worry if you’ve never used Squarespace before! We have step-by-step tutorials to help you navigate your new site.
Before you start your website, it’s good to have a clear understanding of your brand. We’ll send you our Brand Therapy Guide that helps you get clear on your ideal client and your place in it all!
Before you launch your site, we’ll guide you through some key SEO tips that are optimized to help you stand out on Google.
Once you are ready to go live, use our launch checklist to go through your site and make sure everything is top-notch, just like you.
We offer email support for 60 days after purchase. We are here for you and truly want you to succeed!
Templates in the Wild
As of now, our templates are only available for Squarespace customers.
Not at all! All of our templates come with step-by-step tutorials on using Squarespace and thSe template. We offer 30-day tech support and are always available to point you toward learning more about basic Squarespace support.
This template is designed on Squarespace 7.1 using fluid engine. Once you are ready to launch your new site, you can transfer your old domain name to the new site (don’t worry, we can help you with that!)
After you purchase the template, you’ll receive a link to the template course on ThriveLearn and a link to your new website within 24 hours. The site goes directly into your Squarespace account; it’s that easy!
This is a tricky one to answer, and there’s a wide range of changes you can make to the site. If you are familiar with Squarespace and want to keep the colors and fonts as is, your site could be up and running within a few hours. If you are making changes to your site, it could take anywhere from two weeks to two months.
Yes, you can use this site for a client’s website. Each website comes with one license, so you’ll need to purchase a new template for each site.